About - EBRC

Welcome to EBRC, About Us

You can enrol your child or children in ever bright royal college our classes are from JSS 1 - SSS 3 & our tutorial.

20+ Total Subjects

Your childrean can get started from any class after they have take the entrance exam for their speciied class and pass.

20+ Total Subjects

Your childrean can get started from any class after they have take the entrance exam for their speciied class and pass.

About Our Principal

You can enrol your child or children in ever bright royal college our classes are from JSS 1 - SSS 3 & our tutorial.

20+ Total Subjects

Your childrean can get started from any class after they have take the entrance exam for their speciied class and pass.

20+ Total Subjects

Your childrean can get started from any class after they have take the entrance exam for their speciied class and pass.

Awesome Features

Academic Facility

Good and awesome for students to learn in and understand easily.

Our Online Classes

We have online classes scheduled for students who can not mkae it to our physical class E.g WAEC & JAMB. Normal classes like Biology, Physics and chemistry.

Goverment Approved

Ever Bright Royal College.

Trusted By

We have people who trust us and are interster in enrolling their kids in our school.